Crime Bill


Non-Sequiturs: 04.21.16

* Still wondering why we got rid of the comments? Here's David Lat's in-depth look at the issue. (Spoiler alert: it's because they were terrible.) [Washington Post] * Is this the reason more attorneys aren't seeking help for the addiction issues they face? [Law and More] * Kansas may be hurting after a disastrous series of tax cuts, but that hasn't stopped the politicians there. [Slate] * How Bill Clinton's crime bill shaped twenty years of activism. [Pacific Standard Magazine] * Yes, it has become painfully clear that the New York electoral system is in need of reform. [Lawyers, Guns and Money] * You think you know Harriet Tubman, but really, you have no idea. [Wonkblog] * David Lat chats with Mirriam Seddiq, host of the "Not Guilty No Way" podcast, about legal blogging, perceptions of women lawyers, and his former boss, Chris Christie. [Not Guilty No Way via Soundcloud]